All You Need To Know About Health Screening in Singapore

How much do you know about health screening in Singapore? For many people, health screening may be a dreaded affair. However, it is an absolutely crucial step to take to safeguard our health. As the saying goes, “Prevention is better than cure.” Here is everything that you need to know before going for health screening in Singapore:

Why should I go for regular health screening?

Regular health screening can help with detecting conditions even if you are not suffering from any symptoms. Through early detection and treatment, you can have better control of your condition and minimise the risk of complications, resulting in a better outcome. For example, conditions like diabetes and high blood cholesterol are often asymptomatic in the early stages. Managing conditions in the earlier stages make a significant difference to your quality of life and overall wellbeing in the long term.

Health screening will only detect health conditions that are present at the time of screening, so it’s important to have regular screening to pick up any conditions that may develop after the previous screening.

How often should I go for health screening? 

The frequency of health screening depends on your medical history, familial risk factors and previous health screening test results. You should consult your doctor on the recommended frequency.

What is included in a basic health screening package?

A basic health screening package typically consists of the following:

  • Physical examination
  • Health assessment
  • Blood glucose test
  • Cholesterol test
  • Blood pressure test
  • Urine analysis

What kind of health screening should I go for?

When choosing a health screening package, you should consider factors such as age, gender, existing health conditions and family medical history. You may also want to take lifestyle habits and other risk factors into account before making a decision. Generally, these are the conditions that each age group should get screened for:

  • 20s & 30s: Screen for high blood pressure and heart disease. Ladies should also start going for pap smears to check for cervical cancer.
  • 40s: Screen for diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular diseases, cancer
  • 50s: Screen for colorectal cancer, breast cancer (for ladies), cardiovascular diseases
  • 60s: Screen for osteoporosis, prostate cancer (for gents)

You are also advised to consult your doctor on the specific tests to take based on your medical history and existing conditions.

What should I do to prepare for health screening?

  • Make sure to fast for 10 hours before your scheduled health screening. You can drink plain water or take chronic medication, but please avoid consuming food.
  • For ladies: It’s recommended to do pap smear, urine and stool tests at least 7 days after the last day of your menstruation.
  • Ultrasound pelvis test: Make sure to drink loads of water and refrain from urinating for about an hour before the examination.
  • If you are unwell or taking immunosuppressants and/or steroids, please consult your doctor before the health screening as such medication may affect results.

What happens after health screening?

After health screening, your doctor will review and analyse the results of each medical report. Appropriate follow-up treatments or referrals to specialist physicians may be recommended if necessary.

Where can I get health screening in Singapore?

The Clinic Group offers four comprehensive health screening programmes in Singapore, each catering to a specific age group and targeted needs:

  • Healthy Life: Recommended for individuals under age 30.
  • Premium: Recommended for individuals between age 30 and 40.
  • Executive: Recommended for individuals above age 40.
  • Millennium: Recommended for individuals above age 40; includes choice of 1 medical imaging test.

Bespoke health screening solutions and corporate health programmes are also available upon request. Speak to your doctor today.